We've had a busy summer at St. James and are excited about all the things that God is going to be doing in, with, and through us this fall! This Sunday is our church Rally Day, where we'll celebrate the start of a new Sunday School year. St. James will hold classes every Sunday morning at 9:15AM for nursery and preschool children; rotation-model Sunday School for kids in grades K5-4th; a middle school class for grades 5th-6th; a youth class for grades 7th-12th; a Young Adult Breakfast and Bible Study for college students and young adults; and 3 other adult Sunday School classes as well. Also this weekend, we are kicking off our new combined Youth Group and Confirmation Class with two other local ELCA congregations: Nazareth Lutheran Church and Providence Lutheran Church, as we gather together at a Youth Group Adventure at Camp Kinard. Come and join in all the fun, as we learn about God together at St. James!