Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Fourth Mark of Discipleship


In the Lutheran Book of Worship, the prayer of the congregation following the giving of the weekly offering reads:

Merciful Father, we offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us-our selves, our time, and our possessions, signs of your gracious love. Receive them for the sake of Him who offered himself for us, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

In a discipleship church, the offering is symbolic of the giving of one’s self to God, who loves us with an everlasting love. It is not done begrudgingly, (to exert our own sense of power, or to pay dues), but it is done with joy and thanksgiving as an offering to our God who has given us so much already.

What does giving to God look like?

We give of ourselves to share the Gospel.

We give of our time to help those in need.

We give of our possessions to
support the mission of our
congregation and the efforts of the
church across the world.

Scripture for the Week

1 Chronicles 29:14-17

Deuteronomy 8:11-20

Mark 12:41-44

2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Matthew 6:24-34

Psalm 116

Malachi 3:8-12