Sunday, August 24, 2008

Church Family Picnic

Our congregation loves to have family time together in and outside of church. This Sunday, many of us gathered together after worship for a family cookout. We not only ate hotdogs, hamburgers, salads, and desserts, we also took time out to play some games, swim, and share a time of fellowhship together.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ready for School!

The students at our church look forward to starting a new school year in the days ahead. In celebration of their last week of summer before having to pull out their notebooks and pencils, the Elementary kids gathered together for some fun crafts, games, stories, songs, and pizza.

Our Middle and High Schoolers celebrated with a car wash and a pool party. (Their car wash helped raise over $400 to help with funds for the National Youth Gathering that is coming up in 2009.) Finally, to top it all off, the students, bus drivers, teachers, cafeteria workers and administrators at our church came forward for a book bag blessing on Sunday as they prepared to go out and share God's love with others during the 2008-2009 school year. Look out, world! Here we come!

Monday, August 11, 2008

For The Troops

Our fellowship hall was filled with beautiful music this past Sunday, as we were blessed with a patriotic concert by Sweet Adelines International. We dedicated this concert to the troops, and during it, we collected enough money and gifts to send five more care packages to our troops overseas.In these next few months, our congregation will be partnering with Lutheran Famiy Serivces in the Carolinas to provide a support group for soldiers who have returned from service overseas. Let's continue to pray for our troops both abroad and at home.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

St. James, Inc.

Watch out, Lexington! We have 3 pastors now, and we're not afraid to use them. Pictured here is our new visiting team, complete with children on the hip. We like to refer to them as "St. James, Inc." They have been seen marching through the hospital and driving in caravan through the neighborhoods of the Greater Lexington area. They seek out those who are ill, suffering, or in need of prayer. Would you like a visit from St. James, Inc? Contact the church office at 803-359-2122.