Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mustard Seeds And Jesus' Love

St. James had a wonderful Vacation Bible School last weekend. There were hayrides and water slides, games and crafts,  songs and Bible stories, but most of all: we learned about Jesus' love for each of us! 

Sometimes as children and as young disciples of Jesus, we may feel like we can't make much of a difference in this big, wide world that God has made. But God's kingdom is like a mustard seed - tiny and insignificant looking, yet full of LIFE and able to bloom into a gigantic mustard plant with strong branches that provide shade and a place of rest for all of the birds of the air. 

Last weekend at Vacation Bible School, we held mustard seeds in our hands as we sat out among the trees, listening to the birds, and we remembered how God's all powerful Holy Spirit can work through even the youngest of us to share Christ's love and make a big difference in this world.