Sunday, May 17, 2009

Born From Above

We've been excited to celebrate the beauty of new life in our congregation a lot lately. Since the start of 2009, we have welcomed at least 14 new members into our church. Today, we celebrated our 3rd baptism since Easter. Wow! What a blessing! Baptism is a beautiful gift of God. In the waters of baptism, our old sinful nature is washed away; we die with Christ, and are raised to everlasting life. In baptism, we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ, anointed by the Holy Spirit, given the light of Christ to shine forth into the darkness of this world, and we are called God's children. How amazing it is to realize that God chooses us sinners and calls us his own. May God bless all of our new members and guide them on each step of faith ahead.

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