Saturday, December 20, 2008

Come, Lord Jesus!

Checking out the lights at Riverbanks Zoo is just one of the many activities that the people of St. James have been doing these past few weeks, as we've been lighting our candles to watch for the Messiah. We've held Christmas parties for the Lutheran Men in Mission, Women of the ELCA, Saturday Sisters, and the NE Age Sunday School Class. Our OWLS enjoyed a fun night out as they went light looking around town, and our young people have created ornaments for our shut-ins, as well as Christmas cards and cookies for the college students. That's not to mention all the muisic that has been filling our halls! In addition to our Adult and High School Christmas Carol Sunday School Class this month, the handbell players, the God Rockz kids, the kids' choir, and the adult choir have all been lifting their voices and bells each Sunday in excitement as we look for our Lord's return.

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