Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Prayer Warriors

Looking for a prayer group? Join the Prayer Warriors! We will meet every other week on Wednesdays at 9AM. Our next scheduled meeting dates are June 22, July 6, July 20, and August 3. Hope to see you there!

Kids Helping Others

Our toddler class has placed plastic bottles marked with our Pennies For Pasta stickers throughout the church. Please throw your extra pennies into the bottles. These pennies will be used to purchase pasta for our food pantry. There are also bottles located in the front office if you want to stop in during office hours!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Calling All Secret Agents

Put on your disguise, and get ready to help us search to find out the truth about Jesus at this summer’s VBS on June 20-23 from 5:30-8:00PM. We will begin each night with a meal, and then all agents will go through obstacle courses, decode secret messages, and follow clues to find out more about this man named Jesus. Also, the entire church is invited to join us for a cookout on Friday, June 24, at 5:30PM for our VBS party. The kids will sing their VBS songs and receive their VBS certificates as we celebrate what a fun week we had.