Monday, June 28, 2010

Look At What We Made

These 401 hand painted cross necklaces were made by our God Rockz kids to share God's love with the children of Tanzania. On July 1st-16th, two of our members will be serving as short-term missionaries with our sister synod in Tanzania, and they are taking these necklaces with them. Also going ahead of them are layettes for babies in need, as well as the money that St. James raised to build a house for an impoverished family and to help bring fresh water, food, medicine, and school uniforms to so many who are destitute in the area. May God bless the people of Tanzania!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Our New Roof

The roofers are here! The roofers are here! Or, at least they have been for this past week. It's been a long time coming, and we at St. James are very excited about having a much-needed new roof for our church buildings!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bishop's School

Pictured here is a small group of young people from ELCA's Region 9, which includes the NC Synod, SC Synod, Virginia Synod, FL-Bahamas Synod, Caribbean Synod, and the Southeastern Synod. This week, they gathered for theological instruction, worship, and service projects in a program called, "Bishop's School," at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. The best part about this picture is that one of those young people is from St. James! Congratulations to Joshua West, who was chosen to attend Bishop's School 2010. What an honor! We can't wait to hear about all of the great things he learned.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Batter Up!

What have we here? Pictured above are a few of the guys who have played in our men's softball league this year. What a great season they've had! This year, St. James has had both co-ed and men's softball teams. What a wonderful way to share fellowship and fun together in Christ's name.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Our High Seas Expedition

The kids at St. James enjoyed a great week of VBS together as we boarded the High Seas Expedition and sailed away to learn about the deep, deep love of Jesus!
Together, we not only worshipped our Lord Jesus Christ, but we also learned some fun Bible stories about God's love and care in the lives of Peter, Paul, and John. And, most importantly, all of the kids practiced sharing God's love with others, as well. Our children went home and invited their friends to VBS, and they also brought in money to help needy kids in Tanzania, who don't have much food, fresh water, or clothing. Wow! While we learned about God's love, we also played some swashbuckling games, ate some delicious snacks, and created some cool crafts together. VBS was so much fun!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Vacation Bible School

Ahoy! Give summer boredom the heave-ho. All hands on deck for some swashbuckling Bible Adventures, Crafts, Games, Music, and Snacks! Grab your friends, and bring them aboard. VBS will meet on June 14-18, and will go from 6:30-8:30PM. We have activities for kids as young as age 2 up through kids who have just finished 6th grade. Click on the big colorful ship on our website, or contact the church office to register now at 359-2122. Come and join our High Seas Expedition!