Sunday, July 27, 2008


This summer has been an eventful one for the people of St. James, especially as we've said goodbye to our Interim Pastor, the Reverend Bill Easley, and said hello to our first pastor couple, the Reverends Andrea and Nathan Rice. We celebrated the start of our ministry together with a meal and some Southern Gospel tunes presented by a few of our members.

A week later, we held a service of Holy Communion with the Rite of Installation for the Rices, where we officially installed them as our new pastors. Afterwards, we celebrated with desserts, and we presented them with their very own personalized copies of the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal.

We can't wait to see where God will lead us all as pastors and people in worship and in service together in the years to come!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The First Blog Entry For St. James

This is one of many new changes for St. James!!! There is more to come. Stay tuned.